CPAK-100G-PSM4 Cisco 100GBASE PSM4 CPAK Module

Cisco 100GBASE PSM4 CPAK Module This is 100% genuine Cisco product. It won’t have any compatibility problem with your Cisco devices

CPAK-100G-PSM4 Cisco 100GBASE PSM4 CPAK Module

Product Number: CPAK-100G-PSM4

Description: Cisco 100GBASE PSM4 CPAK Module for SMF

Connector: 12-fiber MPO/MTP connector

Wavelength: 1295 to 1325nm

Cable Type: SMF (12 fibers)

Cable Distance: 500m

Transmit Power (dBm):

Maximum: +2.0 per lane

Minimum: -9.4 per lane

Receive Power (dBm):

Maximum: +2.0 per lane

Minimum: -9.4 per lane

Transmit and Receive Center Wavelength Range (nm): Four lanes: 1295 to 1325